Tuesday, November 30, 2010

World Aids Day

On Monday I was priveledged enough to go on a township tour. We started the day driving through Bo-Kaap, heading to District 6, Langa and then to Khayelitsha. Hearing and seeing the history of our country again, makes one realize how truly blessed and lucky we are. Once again you realize that you cannot take anything for granted and that you have to appreciate every small thing in life. Let's take a stupid example: a bathroom. I saw thousands of houses yesterday without bathrooms. Two families have to share 1 toilet. Not a bathroom, a single toilet.

There are 1.2 million people living in horrible conditions and half of Khayelitsha is unemployed. We have so much to be thankful!

We finished our tour off the Football for Hope centre, also in the township. It's a great establishment started by Fifa during the World Cup. They teach the local kids to play soccer and they teach them about HIV Aids. Each kid gets tested and treated and information about the virus and what to do when you are HIV Positive. So they are learning while they are having fun.

Today is World Aids Day, so appreciate what you have and the fact that you are healthy and happy!

Take every chance to give back to the community and those less fortunate. You have no idea how far a little can go.

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