Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bugs, butterflies and beetles

Our school's president said that he will 'treat' the students if they select him as president. He treated the whole school by organising an insect exhibition. I'm not really interested in insects, but it was pretty impressive. I never knew such beautiful, big and scary stuff existed..

Creobroter-gemmatus or the Jeweled Flower Mantis
Goliathus Goliatus - Among the largest insects on Earth. Found in many of Africa's tropical forests.

I tried to do some research on some of the above insects, and came across a very interesting yet disturbing website. Did you know that you can actually buy insects. Some of them go up to $80. Ridiculous! I don't know if you buy them alive or dead though.. Either way there are so many beautiful creatures that roam this planet, don't buy and destroy them!

Same goes to everything else out there with breath and a heart beat.

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