Saturday, January 9, 2010

First random thought of the day.

How cool is it to be able to get into a stranger's car at one in the morning, not knowing in which direction home is, and trust him enough to let him take you home? Then walking home through crowds and crowds of people, by yourself, listening to your ipod, not even aware of what's going on around you.

That's Korea. Can't home be like that? We don't even have taxi's and you can NEVER just stroll and listen to your ipod. I'm going to miss this a lot! I have never felt scared, or watched or perved on. Awesome Asia. It just amazes me that you can leave your bag somewhere open and return a few hours later to find it untouched or even moved from the spot where you left it. That is the way it should be. Why does some people have to need to snatch that. It's just going to happen to them again. Vicious Circle.

I am very excited to go home, but not sure I want to live with all that again. Just the fact that you need to look over your shoulder the whole time makes me sick. We have such a lovely and beautiful country but people tend to wipe their asses on it.

Question: Is there anything we can do about it?
Answer: No

It's sad, isn't it. Hopefully one day everyone in our country will realize that we are sitting on a gold mine that needs to be experienced and shared by everyone.

Just be good x

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