I was doing departures at the airport today and wasn't wearing decent shoes with socks and was literally frozen after a few minutes. If I'm so cold, imagine what someone who cannot afford socks feels like after a few hours out in the cold? The winter is approaching faster than we think and I think we can make a difference.
How many of your socks have landed on sock island? How many socks have the washing machine swallowed? Do you have socks without their mates? I have loads! I have an idea for you - keep them and donate them!
I am organising Socks for Africa and would like to choose one or (hopefully) more charities for the donation. The date and organisation for Socks of Africa is still a secret, but please let me know if you have socks to donate or if you want to get involved. I was thinking we can cook pots of soup and make a day out of giving. What do you think? Email me on antoinettedup@gmail.com or find me on facebook or twitter to get involved.
Socks can be all shapes and sizes, old, new, plain and/or colourful. You can make someone's winter a little bit warmer!